To be a community of people…

At RC, we entrust that we’ve been created for a relationship with the Divine and one another. We entrust that each and every one of us brings various and distinct gifts, abilities, worldviews that have shaped, and stories to tell. We entrust that all have been created in the ‘Imago Dei’ the image of God, and have a place in this sacred, eternal story.

Changed by the grace of Jesus Christ…

At RC, we entrust that the incarnation, life, transfiguration, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, allow our own ‘nephesh’ – soul, the inner core of who we are to be transformed towards our own incarnation of the Divine, transfiguration,
resurrection, and ascension. We entrust that we have been regenerated by the Spirit to live a life that aligns our inner heart with that of the Christ’s more sacred heart.

Making disciples…

At RC, we entrust that Jesus’ own Spirit guides us as we create sacred space and conversation for our community to explore the larger narrative of God’s sacred, eternal story, and an opportunity to discover how our individual stories weave throughout. We entrust that as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have been called to baptize and teach others what he lived and taught, and how we can live more fully in the Kingdom he is ushering in, on earth as in heaven.

Loving god

At RC, we entrust that the greatest honor we have in becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is to bless the all-encompassing whole of reality, who we name ‘God’ and to glorify the Divine in all that we think, feel, and live, including the Divine within our own being.

serving others…

At RC we entrust that the litmus test for how well we love God is how well we love others and that the litmus test for how well we love others is how well we love our enemies. We believe that in response to the grace and new life, we’ve been given, that it is our responsibility to give a voice to the voiceless, to help ‘the least of these’, and to break the chains of the oppressed.

seeking his kingdom…

At RC, we entrust that the incarnation, transfiguration, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ is ushering in a new and subversive Kingdom that rivals the ‘kingdoms’ of our own making. We entrust that to call Jesus our ‘Lord and Savior’ is to say that ‘Caesar is not’ ie. we have no other King than the Christ. We entrust that through Spirit-led discernment and wisdom, we too can boldly align ourselves with Jesus by praying, ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ We entrust that this prayer is vital as it allows us to ‘repent’ – change our mind on what kingdoms we choose to align with, thus changing our hearts to align our will and desire with the more sacred, Divine will and desire of our creator, so that we can co-labor with our hands and feet, through the Spirit in bringing restoration to an oft broken world. We
entrust that the ethos of Jesus’ Kingdom is received through Christ, as taught in the Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount, the Upper Room, the cross, the garden, and
anywhere else where his gospel is delivered.

in the nh seacoast and the world…

At RC, we entrust that we have been called to be a local community in this particular geographical location, at this particular moment in time, for a Divine reason and purpose. We entrust that we are to care for our local neighbors, be involved in the community at large, and care for God’s creation where we live. We also entrust and acknowledge that the universal church, and our ‘neighborhood’ is much bigger than our seacoast NH area, and that the Great Commission of Jesus Christ compels us to go outside the walls of our immediate communal context and to the world at large, loving all our ‘neighbors’ being involved in the global community, and caring for God’s creation across the world.